
I started this Blog when I first started working with the North Lake College Summer Hawaiian Field Studies course. I knew that in 2 weeks, I would learn so much and I needed a place to document it. I was right. I went back through my pictures when I got home and thought, "Did we stop here? I don't remember this!". So I went back to my Blog and was reminded of that moment. So many great moments, so many great stories...here is where I document them. Please read, enjoy, send me questions, comments, etc.

I will be streaming live using Periscope on my Twitter Page. Follow me @Laronna_D on Twitter and @ldoggett on Instagram
Follow the class @ nlchfs on Twitter and Instagram


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 6 - Volcano's National Park

Visitors center scavenger hunt to start off the rainy day! 

Thurston Kava Tube was next on the agenda. There is a beautiful rainforest down to the Lava Tube. The glow in the tube is the light they added. 

Next we headed to where the Lava Trees are found. The lava was from 1974, I believe. 

Then it was back up to the Jagger Museum to see the crater during the day.  We went back to the hotel for a quick change = layers and layers for the trip up the mountain to see the stars on Mauna Kea. Once again it was cloudy, so, no stars really seen. I did see Venus and what I am told was the Big Dipper.  Even though there were no stats, the sunset was beautiful!!  

Here is the stop before we made the steep climb up the mountain. Why all of the cameras you ask? That us because some brave students took the fast way down the hill. Don't worry. No one was hurt (well, one sprained anckel). 

A view from about 9,000 feet. 

Back to Uncle Billy's to pack. Next island...Kauai!!

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