
I started this Blog when I first started working with the North Lake College Summer Hawaiian Field Studies course. I knew that in 2 weeks, I would learn so much and I needed a place to document it. I was right. I went back through my pictures when I got home and thought, "Did we stop here? I don't remember this!". So I went back to my Blog and was reminded of that moment. So many great moments, so many great stories...here is where I document them. Please read, enjoy, send me questions, comments, etc.

I will be streaming live using Periscope on my Twitter Page. Follow me @Laronna_D on Twitter and @ldoggett on Instagram
Follow the class @ nlchfs on Twitter and Instagram


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Day 4 - Mauna Loa, Jaggar Museum, Chain of Craters Rd., Sea Arch, and the Smoking Trees

Up, up, up the mountain to see the Mauna Loa Silversword.  It was not in bloom, but it was nice to see one to compare to the other Silverswords seen on this trip. You can see Halemaumau crater in the background.

Back to the Jaggar Museum to go into the Museum during the day and see the Halemaumau Crater during the day./

Down the Chain of Craters Road to see....well, craters! Here is a big one.  You can only see ab out 1/2 way down in this picture. 

Prof. Dempsey is talking about the Metrosideros polymorpha.  He talks about this plant a lot...well, we see it a lot.  It is the #1 plant in Hawaii!

Students are checking out some pahoehoe lava and a'a lava.  A'a lava is the chunky lava.  Pahoehoe is the smooth looking lava.

We went down south the Sea Arch.  Along the way, we stop to look at some plants and some geology.  This is a marker that Dr. Millwood pointed out a few years ago.  It is a marker that scientists know the GPS of and the elevation of. 

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