
I started this Blog when I first started working with the North Lake College Summer Hawaiian Field Studies course. I knew that in 2 weeks, I would learn so much and I needed a place to document it. I was right. I went back through my pictures when I got home and thought, "Did we stop here? I don't remember this!". So I went back to my Blog and was reminded of that moment. So many great moments, so many great stories...here is where I document them. Please read, enjoy, send me questions, comments, etc.

I will be streaming live using Periscope on my Twitter Page. Follow me @Laronna_D on Twitter and @ldoggett on Instagram
Follow the class @ nlchfs on Twitter and Instagram


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Day 15 - SUP and Anini Beach

My first time doing Stand up Paddle boarding. I spent a lot of time on my knees paddling, but I also stood up and paddled. I guess I was griping the board really hard because my feet kept cramping.  The good news is that I got good at getting on my knees and then standing up. Proof that I got up...


We went along the Hanalei River to the nature preserve. The way out was really windy and took a lot of effort.  The way back was really nice.  We may have laid down on the way back.


Locals kept saying to go eat at the gas station in Princeville. It is the 76 gas station in front of the shopping center. All of the food that we got there was really good.


After lunch, we went to Anini Beach. Tried to snorkel a bit, but the current was really strong. Saw a few humuhumunukunukuapua'a and a really big trumpet fish. And chickens...always chickens in Kauai!



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