Another day dedicated to animals! Minimal plants and geology. Here is our first stop - the Salt Ponds.
Here is where we collected critters. The water was really rough so we stayed closer to shore. We found a lot of critters. We even found a stone fish. Yep. The critters were all over. We found an eel too. Very cool!!
So now some geology. We stopped at a black-ish sand beach. We really stopped there for the glass beach part. Good ol' humans used to dump trash in the ocean and now that glass has broken up and has become a glass-sand beach.
Spouting horn was not too spouty, but we saw about 5-6 Sea Turtles and 2 Hawaiian Monk Seals. The seal that I saw was hanging out bear the rocks in the water.
Here is the sortof spouting horn. It has definitely spouted more in the past.
A quick stop at the National Botanical Gardens to look at pretty plants.
Plumeria-my favorite!! I cannot wait for mine at home to bloom.
Golden Shower Tree.
Garbology time...this is a trash conglomerate. Again, humans dumping waste. But, here we are standing on it admiring the pillow lava and trash. Once again, we saw a lot of Sea Turtles swimming around.
A little fun night out. Some students wanted to go eat at Duke's, so there must be a chaperone...or 3...right? Oh. And a big piece of Duke's Pie. Yummy!!
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