Much more to explore and a few new critters. There are still a lot of Sea Cucumbers. There were a lot more Brittle Stars and larger crabs were found. We snorkeled afterwards. The water was rough, but snorkeling happened.
Spaghetti Worms Brittle Star
Another Sea Cucumber
Another Rock Boring Sea Urchin
Sheriff's Badge Sea Star
Collector Sea Urchin Banded Sea Urchin
Nudibranch Oysters
7-11 Crab Crab (?)
Random Stop - This RR stop turned out to be great. We saw a Hawaiian Monk Seal. There are only about 1,200 left and we got to see one! This was one of the highlights of the trip!
Random Spot - This was as close to a Black Sand Beach as we got. We went there for the Glass Beach. Apparently they are getting nervous that the Glass Beach is disappearing. How do you fix the problem??? Start littering again?
Spouting Horn - Another volcanic phenomenon. There was something about a lava tube and air and water pushing up. I was not listening too well...oops.
National Tropical Botanical Gardens - a quick stop to enjoy the plants. Pretty plants.
Garbage Conglomerate - Ah yes. We stopped to look at garbage, but fancy garbage. The garbage was somehow cemented together naturally. But the view and the colors of the water were beautiful!
Just Beautiful!
Garbage Conglomerate
Hi! Could you tell me where the garbage conglomerate is? I'm trying to find it on Google and keep getting information about trash pick up on Kauai. I went on this Northlake field studies trip twelve years ago and have some amazing memories! I was 18 years old, and it remains one of the best experiences of my life. I'm on the island again and would love to find the conglomerate; it's the only thing I can't find, and I'd love to be able to take some others to see it. Thanks! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry for the really late reply! I just came across this! The Trash Conglomerate is in Poipu, Kauai near Baby Beach. I'm sorry I don't have a more specific address. I'll try to remember to mark it on my map this year.